Monday, May 11, 2009


1 pound = 4 sticks of butter
I want to lose 100 lbs, hence the title of my blog.
My name is Lara, and after over a decade of battling with my weight, I have finally, finally, finally, decided to cut the crap, and plunge head first into the deep, murky waters of weight loss.

This blog is meant to chronicle the struggle - the joys, the pains, the "eureka" moments - of my journey. At the very least, I hope it's a journal I can one day look back on and smile with pride at how far I've come. BUT, truth be told, my deepest hope is that someone, somewhere, will read my blog and be inspired to change his or her life for the better.

I have read many success stories over the years and now I'm ready to write mine. My method? Weight Watchers. I'll write more later about why I chose this plan over all the others I've tried over the years.

My stats:
Height: 5'3"
Age: 31 years old - 32 in a month.
I started Weight Watchers on 02/02/09 at 245 lbs. Today, I weigh 231 lb.s. I am down 14 lbs so far.

I will share my weekly gains and loses as well as new things I'm trying, my workout regimen and so on. I am open to comments and suggestions but request only positive and constructive energy.

Happy Shrinking!



  1. Way to Go, Lara!! The first step is always to take it, both in weight loss and writing. You go, girl. Much Luv, mommie dearest, alias anncompton. I couldn't afford a treadmill, so I devised a method for exercise. My neighbor saw me and asked why, then she called another neighbor, who called me and said I should not be out there doing that!!

  2. Do the dang thing, Lara! Now that I am a "non-smoker" (2 weeks and never turning back!), I expect my workouts to improve greatly. I'm looking forward to the biking this summer and, if I get the gorgeous condo that I looked at this week, it's right around the corner from a great park where I will be biking, walking and may even get that dog that I've been wanting forever. I'm planning to get ALL of the weight off this go'round so let's keep each other encouraged!

  3. In the infamous words of George Clinton and Parliament/Funkadelic, "Free your mind and your ass will follow". In this case, let's hope it's literally!!!

    Butter baby, Butter!
