Thursday, May 28, 2009

Home is where the food is...

Hi ya'll,
Sorry for being gone for a while. I was back home in North Carolina visiting family for Memorial Day. It's funny how wrapped up we get in our daily lives; so much so that I didn't realize it had been two years since I last visited NC.

Anyway, it was great being back. Although NC is my second home (my first being Nigeria), going back always leaves me feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and especially, loved. It also always has me slightly anxious where my weight is concerned; first, because it's a relatively uncontrolled food environment and I am always so relaxed and lazy that exercise is the last thing on my mind, and second, because weight is something that my 96 year old grandmother loves to talk about, especially regarding the gaining or losing of it on other people.

Well, this time was no different. I ate all the home cooking I could find, snacked unrepentantly and did not count a WW point. I got no real deliberate exercise and spent a large amount of time lounging. Surprisingly however, my grandmother was complimentary about my weight, saying I was "a good size" and hadn't gained too much. I'm not sure if that's because she hadn't seen me in a while and was being kind or if she really meant it, but either way I took the compliment because I expected much worse.

I'm back now and immediately launched back into my running, and boy was it hard on that treadmill yesterday, but I pushed through. I'm back to tracking as well. I felt for sure I had gained a few pounds but surprise, surprise, I weighed this morning and was down to 229.5 lbs!!! I AM THRILLED! I have been praying, begging, wishing for the 220's for a minute there and to have it happen when I wasn't even trying is a huge surprise and blessing. I think back to most of what I ate and I think the difference this time was that a lot of what was eaten was healthy, wholesome food. The snacking wasn't, but it was controlled. For instance,I took bites of cheesecake instead of whole slices, I ate a scoop of ice cream instead of a bowl. I ordered a salad and ate half a turkey wrap while having lunch with my mom instead of a grand, fried, saucy meal, so maybe it's finally happening. Maybe a healthier way of living is seeping into my consciousness. I sure hope so.

In the meantime, I will keep on keeping on. The struggle continues!

Hope your Memorial Day weekend was great!



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