Food Pushers come in many forms. There is the family member who shows love by cooking rich, elaborate meals for those they love. There is the friend whose idea of a good time involves lots of cocktails and fried, greasy, appetitzers and for whom your new weight loss plan has become a downer. There are also those people who see you making progress and subconsciously (or not) try to find ways to derail your progress.
It is hard enough trying to navigate the food land mines out there. On every corner, at every turn, there is some commercial food pusher. But then, even closer to home, one must still be a food warrior, slaying junk-food dragons.
The key, I believe, is in individual accountability. I understand that at some point in life, I have been the food pusher. My motivations might not have been sinister, but my actions weren't exactly noble either. Conversely, now that I am the one in the struggle, I am trying to understand that for whatever reason another person is encouraging me to stuff my face, it is up to me whether or not I succumb. I have had to tell a coworker or two to back off when they are hovering over me with some tempting food or the other, trying to get me to give in. For people whose feelings you must spare, self-control becomes the key. Taking a bite or two and leaving the rest is a strategy I have employed. A taste won't derail your plans, many tastes will.
I have also found that being open about your plans to get healthy can discourage a lot of the temptations. I often hear "Oh, there is some cake over at so and so's desk..." and then "Oh, but I forgot, you are on Weight Watchers." It might sound strange, but that helps remind me of my goal.
So, for those of you out there trying to lose weight, what are your strategies for dodging those food bullets being shot your way? Do share!
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