Monday, July 13, 2009

Weigh-In Mondays

What? What's happening? I'm actually writing about my weigh-in with WW on a Monday? Wow? Wonders never cease! :-) Maybe I've finally conquered my procastination...NOT!!!

I'm happy. I went down 1LB from last week. It's not a miraculous amount of weight, but any trend downwards is a miracle. I'm thrilled. 1LB really does make a world of difference to me in my face, in how much I can do when I work out, in how my clothes fit. Just think, that's 4 sticks of butter I dropped over the course of a week!

Thinking of it in those terms really does make a world of difference!!!

Goal for this week is a 1.5 - 2.0lb loss!

Happy losing!!!

P.S, I lost four of those sticks of butter in the image above, yay!

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