I am not sure if what I do when I get on the treadmill can be considered running. It is more of a... shuffling. Perhaps, if I'm to be kinder to myself, I'd call it jogging. I don't run pretty; I don't have the light-footed gait of the long-limbed, gazelle-like high school track team that trains at the outdoor track I sometimes go to. In fact, I'm short, stumpy and flat footed. My ankles bend outwards when I walk or run(the experts at the running store call that overpronation, I call it needing new heels put on my shoes every couple of months because they are worn out on one side), not to mention the sticks of butter I lug with me everywhere. Yes, I look like a penguin when I run and I'm so totally okay with it. Why?
Because twelve weeks ago, I started a running plan that started me off with run/walk intervals which increased in time weekly. My first week was a run 3 mins / walk 3 minute/ repeat 5 times split. IT.WAS.NO.FUN! But I stuck with it and today, I'm running 30 minute straight! That was an ultimate goal that I was finally able to realize. Even as I was doing it, I had my doubts I'd finish the plan because I had tried several times to follow that same plan and always gave up.
The difference this time? I allow myself to run slower than I think I should. I "run" at a pace that many people walk at: 3.8 - 4.0mph, but it's enough for me. My heart rate is always high, I sweat profusely and I don't feel like laying down immediately afterward. Most importantly, yesterday, at a certain point in my run, I thought "I love this!" It was a foreign and completely absurd thought that the once couch potato is up and running without much prompting. It is truly an exciting change I see in myself.
So if you are interested, here are some great running sites for beginning runners:
Waddle, waddle, friends!
*image of penguins from www.outboardmotoroilblog.com/
Hey Lady... checking out your blog and I am inspired. As promised, you shared your "running start" with me and for that I am thankful. When I get the nerve to start running, I will share with you my progress, but you know me, I am not going to share until I am way over the painful start soooooo don't hold your breath. Love ya much and look forward to following you in your jouney as I too do mine (but I am not organized or thought provoking enough to do a blog :-)
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