My name is Lara and I'm a clutterholic! Seriously, I wish there was rehab for people like me, who in spite of my constant efforts to eradicate clutter from my life, I always seem to be surrounded by it.
Before I went on vacation, I spent a couple of days trying to tidy up and simplify my space. I bought a couple of jars on sale from The Container Store and put a few random bags of rice, beans, and brown sugar in them. I sorted through my bathroom cabinets and took a hard look at the products I use and threw *some* out. I stacked a few of my "too big" clothes in addition to some of my "too small, but don't want to be seen in them anymore anyway" clothes in trash bags. I soon grew weary, decided I'd done enough, left everything as is, and concentrated on having a great vacation.
Now, here is where it always goes south. I always stop half-way through this process. Even when I have piles of things to go to Goodwill, I leave them for months where they are stacked and then pile other crap on top of that stuff. I've only been back four days from my trip and already, there is crap everywhere. It is almost as if I am not aware of when the clutter is happening, I only see the results. Things are left where I put them which is often not where they belong. Shoes are left in living rooms, coffee mugs on computer table, books on or around the bed, and I rarely ever eat on my dining room table because there is no space!
They do say knowing there is a problem is half the cure, right? I admire people who keep very neat and organized spaces. I strive to emulate that. I have read books and online articles on how to create a more zen-like space. I know I'm not alone...there are several shows that deal with this issue: Mission Organization, Clean House, Neat, etc. But knowing there is a problem, how do I solve it?
I have decided to address this as I did my weight-loss because quite frankly, I believe clutter also hinders my progress with my weight:
Cluttered Space ---> Cluttered Mind---> Cluttered Body.
My first step is to devise a plan. One that has worked when I've implemented it is the SPACE method which I learned from a book written by Julie Morgenstern called: Organizing from the Inside Out. SPACE stands for:
Sort. Put like items together, room by room. Don't stop to put them where you think they belong, just sort them for now.
Purge. Get rid of things that are broken, old, torn, or that no longer reflects the image you are currently trying to portray. Put them in a boxes that are labeled "Give Away" or "Trash"
Assign. Once you have sorted and purged, then you assign a permanent space to these items. Survey your living space and consider any restrictions you might have. My shoes need to go in my CLOSET on my SHOE RACK not on my living room floors, for instance.(Sorry, I'm yelling at myself)
Containerize. Have a dedicated spot to put your stuff away. Books in bookshelves, papers in file cabinets, etc. I try to find creative uses for regular household items. I saw on a show where this chick put her earrings in ice-cube trays and stuck them in a drawer. I stole the idea and it works perfectly.
Equalize. This is where I always tend to run into issues because it requires being present. It means spending time each day/week to return things to where they belong so that the clutter doesn't continue to breed like mold. I might need to have a daily timer go off or something to remind me to equalize.
So, that's my plan. I will let you know how it goes. I need to do this NOW, get it under control NOW, because I do not want to take these habits with me out of an apartment and into a house.
I am always eager to learn more tips and ideas for decluttering so if you do have any, please let me know!!!
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