Saturday, June 13, 2009

Shopping While Fat.

Okay, this is going to be sort of a mini-rant. Why, oh why, do fashion "designers" out there make such ugly clothes for heavier people?! First, let me start off by saying I HATE shopping for clothes. It's always really demoralizing, even with my weight loss, because the really cute clothes stop at size 14 - 16, and even when you find a piece that *might* be cute, sometimes, they are so awkwardly tailored that you find yourself wondering if they used any real human beings as a prototype for the garment.

I have found that yes, you do get what you pay for. A lot of the time, more expensive clothing does feel and look better but I do not want to spend a lot on a wardrobe now because:
a) My recession hit way before the nation's did and I don't have a lot to spend on clothing.
b) Because a 5-10 lb loss sometimes leads to dramatic changes in the way my clothes fit, there is no point in spending tons of money on clothing right now.

However, when I do want to pick a piece or two to compliment my wardrobe or replace something that's now too big, I would like to have some inexpensive, nice designed clothes, dammit!

So I went into Kohl's tonight, looking for a few pieces for my vacation to the West Coast tomorrow, and found myself mumbling out loud like a mad woman as I surveyed the merchandise: "Why would anyone do that to themselves?" or "That is so completely fugly!" Piece by piece, I found myself shaking my head in disgust. Most of the garments had some sort of weird embroidery, sequin or floral. Forget about finding cute pants, jeans, or capris. They all look like something Sponge Bob Square Pants would wear! Why do they have to taper at the bottom?!

Anyway, I eventually gave up and left empty-handed. I can't blame it all on the store; I'm cheap and impatient which makes for a bad combo when shopping in a store like that. But I still think there is such a huge opportunity out there. Maybe these designers should watch a few episodes of "What not to wear" on TLC. They could learn about wrap dresses, wonderful prints, bold statements, accenting the waist, straight legged pants, fit, cut, ruching, breathable fabrics...need I go on?

I'll stop my rant here but I just had to get that off my chest. For a blog that deals primarily with the issues of weight and fashion, check out this blog by a London based blogger: Too Fat For Fashion

On a side note, I will be traveling to San Francisco tomorrow for a road trip up the coast to Seattle and will be back late on Wednesday. Wish me luck with my diet! I plan to make really good food choices and hopefully get some delectable seafood while I'm at it.



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