Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Weigh-In Mondays: Redemption (sorta)

Isn't it just like a procrastinator to post about a Monday weigh-in on Tuesday? Sorry!!!

Well, the WW weigh-in yesterday wasn't as horrible as I anticipated. As you probably read, after eating everything I wanted last week, on Saturday morning, my home scale registered a 5lb gain. Because I couldn't bring myself to have that documented in my WW book, I decided to try to fix that over the weekend. So, I went for my kickboxing class, and for the most part, all weekend, ate my own food. I did still have chocolate and an oatmeal cookie. Yesterday morning, I also went for my run. I didn't have much for breakfast before the weigh-in. The scale registered at a 1.4 lb gain.

Strangely enough, I'm pleased with that because it could have been much worse. Yesterdays meeting was the end of our first WW at-work session. Fortunately, enough people are interested so we'll start our new session on June 22. My goal for this 17 week session is to:

1) Get back to actively and religiously tracking my meals
2) Incorporate weight training and perhaps join the combat kickboxing boot camp at my gym. I plan to go check it out tonight just to see what it looks like.
3) Steadily drop 1.5 - 2 lbs week-to-week. In the beginning of this last session, I was dropping on average 1.4lbs a week but I think I can step that up a bit.
4) Pack lunch at least 3 days a week. Eating out is my biggest downfall and lunch is that meal for me. I don't often eat dinner out.
5) Clean up my diet. I still eat too many fried foods and sweets and not enough vegetables. When I cook, I'm at my healthiest so the goal is to start cooking meals for the week on weekends and start planning better!

So here is to redemption and new beginnings!




  1. I am so glad that you aren't beating yourself up over weight gain. Keep it up with the endurance, lady!

  2. I was just listening to this guy on the radio and thought you and your supporters may want to check him out.


    Keep hope alive!!!
